I.T.B put their hearts into charity relay

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I.T.B put their hearts into charity relay


A special charity fundraising day on Thursday 6th April saw Investors Trust Finance (I.T.F) raising funds for the British Heart Foundation. Sixty-nine members of staff took part in the I.T.F Prom Relay, walking return laps of Douglas Promenade in a series of waves through the morning and early afternoon.

Members of Investors Trust Finance (I.T.F) and sister company Edgewater Associates  and MFX completed the 3-mile walk in teams of eight. The first team set off at 8.30am, with all remaining teams following at 30-minute intervals until 12.30pm. The bank pledged to donate £3 for each mile walked,  and staff arranged cake sale, quiz and a raffle. After the event, the teams gathered at the Claremont Hotel to enjoy food and drink in Coast Restaurant, and hear the grand total of funds raised.

The choice of British Heart Foundation was a very personal one for the bank’s Managing Director, Douglas Grant: his wife Wendy suffered a cardiac incident – caused by a ruptured coronary artery - in Scotland in October 2016. She subsequently underwent a life-saving operation and is now returning to health.

Douglas explains, “We owe everything to the swift actions, and the specialist knowledge and expertise, of the medical team that day. Every day, the research driven by the British Heart Foundation helps to save lives and raise awareness.

“Our teams put in a fantastic effort on Thursday; the relay was great for camaraderie as well as charity. I’d also like to say thanks to the Sleepwell Group for supporting our event; the excellent post-walk refreshments at Coast were much appreciated by all of us.”

The I.T.F Prom Relay raised a total of £1160 for the British Heart Foundation. In October 2017, Douglas and Wendy are taking part in the charity’s Great Wall of China Discovery Trek. To find out more and donate, visit www.justgiving.com/DouglasandWendyGrant.

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