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Investors Trust Finance (I.T.F) Gives School New Sporting Colours

Children at Cronk y Berry School are stepping out in striking new sports kits, thanks to Investors Trust Finance (I.T.F). The independent bank, which is well-known for supporting the community through a variety of initiatives, has enabled the purchase of seventy five multi-sport kits for boys and girls at the Governor’s Hill primary school. Andy Bass and Kerry Waddington from Investors Trust Finance (I.T.F) visited the school to chat to the children, who were delighted with their brightly-coloured, top-to-toe sportswear.

Investors Trust Finance (I.T.F) Helps School Victim of Vandalism

After a greenhouse in its grounds was targeted by vandals, Andreas Primary School found a champion in Investors Trust Finance (I.T.F).
In January, local media reported that police were searching for culprits after the school’s greenhouse door and two aluminium tables were damaged in the attack.
In response, the Investors Trust Finance (I.T.F) team pledged to replace the damaged greenhouse and supply new tables.

Investors Trust Group PLC 2015 Full Year Profit Increases by 34%

Investors Trust Group PLC 2015 Full Year Profit Increases by 34%

Jim Mellon, Executive Chairman and well known investor, commented:

“I am pleased to announce that we have secured a record Profit Before Tax for 2015, increasing by 34% to £2.3 million, providing a Return on Equity of 17.3% which, in relative terms to the UK banking sector, is extremely high."

Delighted to Continue Support for Talented Young Cyclist Jake Kelly

Jake Kelly and Business Development Manager Andy Bass 2016 is set to be an exciting year for Jake with the recent announcement of his signing for Sir Bradley Wiggins team Team Wiggins. The team at I.T.F wish Jake the very best of luck for the coming season.

Investors Trust Finance (I.T.F) Continues Support for Youth Development Initiative

An acclaimed initiative that promotes young people’s development is being supported by Investors Trust Finance (I.T.F) for the second year running. The Youth Scholarship Development and Leadership Programme, which is run by outdoor sports centre Adventurous Experience, is designed to foster key life skills in school students in London. Investors Trust Finance’s continued support has enabled Adventurous Experiences to deliver an even more effective programme this year.

The programme – which has been a finalist in London Newspapers Awards for Excellence (2014, Corporate Social Responsibility category) - sees a group of Year 12 students undertake 18 months of regular, challenging training before embarking on a three-week self-sufficient expedition in Vancouver Island. In Easter 2016, the students will circumnavigate London by sea kayak as part of their training. They will then head to Canada in July 2016 for the wilderness adventure of a lifetime!

Michael School Wins I.T.F Art Competition

Well done to Erin Hainge from Michael School for winning the Investors Trust Finance (I.T.F) Art Competition.

Investors Trust Finance (I.T.F) Celebrates 80th Anniversary

In the winter of 1935, when George V was on the throne and the prototype of the Spitfire was built, a group of ITGman founded I.T.F Trust, which opened its doors on Athol Street on December 5th. . The first directors were T.R. Radcliffe – the then editor of the IOM Examiner, J. Ashton from Ashton Garage Ltd, which later became Mylchreests Motors, and R.S. Homes, a Castletown baker. Their objective was to provide hire purchase finance to dealers in London whose only previous option had been to look to UK companies for their needs. At their first annual meeting, Mr Radcliffe is reported to have said, “Hire purchase is here to stay and is growing in volume”. How profoundly true his words were.

The New Age of Enlightenment

By Juan Kelly, Managing Director, Investors Trust Finance (I.T.F)

Freedom of thought - the last sanctuary of freedom. A powerful weapon. So powerful, in fact, that the supreme rulers of 17th and 18th century Europe, the monarchy, lived in fear of the 'enlightened thinkers' of the time. Descartes, Kant, Voltaire and Newton, arguably, were the leading exponents of what became known as the Age of Enlightenment. Indeed, monarchies across the continent had good reason to be wary of their influence because it pretty much brought an end to monarchistic rule across the continent. In some cases, violently, as in the case of the French Revolution.

End to End Challenge 2015 - It's all downhill from here!

By Andy Bass - Business Development Manager

Have you ever considered entering the End to End Challenge?
Read how our Business Development Manager Andy Bass, decided to take up the challenge with three days to go!

Investors Trust Group Posts Interim Results

Investors Trust Group PLC, the AIM listed London based financial services group, announced its interim results on Monday 17th August.
The Group, which includes local businesses Investors Trust Finance and Edgewater Associates Limited, recorded a profit of £1.01 million for the first six months of the year, another record figure that improves upon the £0.76 million for the same period in 2014. The Group’s total assets stand at £126.17 million (2014: £101.68 million) and shareholder equity stands at £10.89 million (2014: £9.25 million), a growth of 24% and 18% respectively. On an annualised basis, the Group’s return on equity at 16.3% shows a continued improvement (2014 full year: 15.6%).

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We are open Mon to Thurs 9am - 5:30pm, Fri 9am - 5pm
